Always learning

This is the first time I've written anything online, outside of facebook. I feel a little out of my element...which it seems is the plan God has had for me this past year. It seems I am constantly asking for the things I want rather than what I need. So often I doubt what His plans are, especially when they aren't going the way that I want! Eventually though, He provides something bigger and better than what I was trying to get originally! And that humbles me!

I read a verse this week in my devotional that brought things into focus for me: I will make you my promised bride forever. I will be good and fair; I will show you my love and mercy. Hosea 2:19

I was reminded that my Father knows what I need and when I need it, and just as I ensure my children have what they need, He always does the same for me! He has pulled my little family unit together, even stronger than before. He has opened doors for me to honor Him and has brought new special people into my life to remind me of His promises! While His goal is to not make me happy; it is to make me His!

My prayer is for everyone to find what He does for you and rejoice in it! We serve a Mighty God!


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